Thursday, July 29, 2010

Following and Comments

I officially have my first follower. Most people actually come to my blog directly from bookmarks or from links from Facebook. However, if you would like automatic updates to my blog, if you follow any others, in RSS form or other (through blogger blog following), just sign in to your Gmail or Google accounts, and come to this website and click the Follow button above my blog.

Additionally, if you want to leave comments, I'd love to hear the constructive criticism or compliments. You can leave comments anonymously (but please sign them if I know you so I can know who I'm talking too. Its more fun that way), or by commenting, then signing in under your Google account if you have one.

Thanks everyone for checking out my pictures. I've got a lot more to come!


  1. how do you tell who's following you?

  2. It will show up next to your blog when you log into your main page on Blogger, so right now I see one person I know following me.
