Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 12

"Shelter from the Storm"

Tonight, I didn't have quite the opportunity to take shots that I was hoping for, particularly the bad weather. I got caught in quite the storm on my way out to take pictures of it from outside the storm. The weather was so bad I had to pull over and wait for a break, and immediately went back to the Wisconsin Union to seek shelter and go to my Hoofer meeting. However, I wasn't the only one seeking shelter. It turns out that the Hoofer Sailing group took over our meeting space to finish up a little party that they were having, and since no one showed up for my Hoofer Mountaineering meeting, I decided to snap a quick picture before I left. Not particularly proud or excited about this one, but sometimes you just have to go with what you've got, and not every day will be as great as last night.

Later tonight I'll put up some more pictures from last nights shoot as well.

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