Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day 5


"Storms behind Lake Wingra"

Taken at about 1:15 am, I was hoping to get out and catch some lightening but none was close enough to get. My ISO settings were all off for the storm, but I decided to not touch this one. When you enlarge you can see the lake and lifeguard chair as clear as day. Learning my ISO, Aperture, and Shutter Speed is the main thing I need to work on.

Click the photo to enlarge.


  1. Really like this one. All the haze, mystery, and uncertainty of inclement weather is here. This is just as night storms normally are-- between the briefer flashes of light that show the way (and not typically what photographers of storms choose to show).

  2. Thanks. I think this is Uncle John? You'd know stormy weather out in nature better than most. Feel free to post any comment via your Google Account, or sign it, so I can know for sure who it is. Its nice to know who the comment is coming from.
